an attitude of GRATITUDE

'Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.'
-Melody Beady

I was looking for an online journal template to use as a *gratitude* journal;  i found a few then the *light goes on* moment smacked me upside the head --> the existence of my Blogger blog unearthed itself from my failing memory banks!  Voila!

This is my story . . I own it .. 100% .. period!

I've been poked, prodded, pummeled, pounded (erm, not really) and approved for Bariatric (weight loss) Surgery.  Most of my doctors (I have a more than a few!) have been wonderfully positive and supportive - bless them.  WLS surgery cannot be done based on the opinions of one or two doctors - it took a village.  I've had to undergo (a huge number of . . ) medical tests specifically geared to Bariatric Surgery approval (or, disqualification) - I've been approved by all and my next step is the Pre-Op Class (December 7, 2012) followed by my surgery date (I'm thinking January or February-ish . . . possibly, early March) - we'll see what happens.

I've started down a new road and it's one that will take me to places that aren't familiar - or comfortable.  It's a road I've chosen to walk - with very little input from others.  For the record, I did not poll my family or my friends - with the exception of one dear friend who has undergone weight loss surgery and is so absolutely ready to help and encourage me all the way.

WLS (weight loss surgery) is not something to be undertaken lightly . . it is a life-changing step that (if Medicare approves the procedure I've chosen [Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy]) allows no going back .. ever.  Of the three bariatric surgery types currently approved by my medical provider (LSG, Lap Band and RNY), "The Sleeve" is the only one that is 100% "UN-doable" .  . once done, eighty-five percent of the stomach will be gone - surgically removed and irreplaceable - there will be no change-of-mind opportunity down the road.

So, it IS a big deal and, after 30+ years of hobbling on severely damaged knees, watching my weight constantly inflate/deflate and - inevitably - having to give up so many things I love in order to protect what's left of my knees - I'm ready for this surgery and for the two knee replacement surgeries that will follow.

So, why a GRATITUDE journal?   

Life after Bariatric Surgery is hard - in so many ways -  especially, for the first few years.  Long lists of restrictions, lifestyle changes, do's & don'ts, musts & mustn'ts, nows & nevers . . it's going to be a challenge.  Body issues, post surgery, are significant.  Not many people can afford (or want to, even if they can) plastic surgery to remove excess skin . . not a pretty picture, I know.  Vitamins and supplements will become a way of life - for the rest of my life - not by choice, they will be absolutely necessary to my good health.  So many food/drink restrictions (more than I can wrap my head around) and exercise is a MUST . . this for a woman who has not walked, normally, for over half of her life.  Change, change is hard and I may need reminders about how grateful I am that my life is changing for the better!

I'm going to track my gratitude if it's the last thing I do each day .. and that's the plan!!  I have SO many reasons to be grateful.   I may need to go back and review those things when the going gets really rough!  There you have it . . that's all there is to it!

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